£10 million Urban Challenge Fund Announced

Date 28.05.2019
Category Announcements

Defra have announced a new £10 million Urban Tree Challenge Fund grant to plant more than 130,000 trees across England’s towns and cities over the next two years.

Find out whats involved: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/urban-tree-challenge-fund

Smarter Working For Arborists

Planning to plant new tree’s? Read how KaarbonTech Tree SMART can help councils manage their tree stock effectively. Read more about our tree mapping software. Our tree mapping software saves time and money. Once the information is in the database it’s there for all to see. Enabling you to make long term strategic plans on your tree stock.

With our Tree SMART software you can document the condition and the history of the the tree. Not only that is stores its geographical location so the arborists get to the correct tree. Even smarter our tree software holds information on the exact works that is required on the tree. Once that is completed the record is updated on the database. Truly smart tree software. Don’t take our word for it read our case study for Central Bedfordshire on how we digitised their tree stocks.

China And India Go Green

Surprisingly these 2 countries have been aggressively planting new trees. The world is now a greener place than it was 20 years ago. Through the research of NASA it has discovered that the world is 5% greener year on year. This is the equivalent to more than the Amazon rainforest. All this data was captured by MODIS satellite sensor

Researches still say that it’s still not enough to counter act deforestation. At least it is a step in the right direction and with this 10 million urban challenge everything helps.

Whats The Benefit of Planting Trees

  • CO2 is one of the major contributing elements to the greenhouse effect. Trees trap CO2 from the atmosphere and make carbohydrates that are used for plant growth. They give us oxygen in return

  • Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas

  • The Trees reduce urban runoff and erosion by storing water and breaking the force of rain as it falls

  • Trees also absorb sound and reduce noise pollution

  • Additionally, trees shade asphalt and trees, reducing what is know as the “Heat Island” effect.

They also have a social impact, not only are the good to look at but they have a calming effect upon society. Researchers suggest that children recover quicker from surgery if they can see trees through the window. Also it suggest that children retain more information if they have access to greener areas.

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