Successful start for Derbyshire Gully Sensors

Date 14.08.2023
Category Software

High performance gully sensors are a great way to monitor water levels in gully pots, especially in areas at high risk of flooding. April 2023 saw us embark on a project with Derbyshire County Council (DCC), installing gully sensors to provide real-time water level information, informing cleansing schedules and allowing advanced warning of flooding. 

How do they work? 

Attached to the underside of the gully grate, these high-performance sensors record an accurate measurement of the water level in the pot below. Readings deliver precise water level percentages, allowing for timely flood alert warnings. Monitored in real-time, data is transmitted to dedicated software, integrating seamlessly with our Gully SMART solution, streamlining the observation process efficiently. This data can be viewed against current and historic readings, providing vital, accurate information to inform gully cleansing programmes, allowing a true risk-based approach to be taken. 

Working in partnership, KaarbonTech and DCC selected an area in Masson, in the Derbyshire Dales, identified as an area of high vulnerability to flooding. Ideal installation conditions ensured the best quality sensor operation and results. These included: 

  • Ensuring there were no obstructions in the gully pot where sensors were installed. 

  • Ensuring strong signal strength for battery longevity and consistency of results. 

  • Installing multiple sensors in close proximity, to mitigate any potential sensor malfunctions. 

Placing sensors on gullies in this location supported a proactive approach to address the critical need for enhanced flood monitoring and allowed the right mitigation measures to be put in place, using accurate and real-time data.  

Results so far 

In place for around four months, the sensors are providing regular transmissions and returning accurate data in line with the rainfall data seen in the area. This data provides valuable information to drive decision-making around cleansing programmes and will be used alongside flood event forecasting and weather alerts. With a lifespan of up to six years, the sensors’ prolonged and reliable performance will help inform maintenance, management and flood risk well into the future.