Walsall Council

Performance Management of Drainage Operations


  • Drainage | Gully


  • Software
The Problem

Inadequate asset tracking for drainage programme

Walsall Council were under the spotlight to demonstrate that their cyclical gully programme was robust.

Councils being able to manage cyclical scheduling efficiently, to evidence the delivery of cost-effective operations is critical. With recent increased rainfall and flooding, councils have been under the spotlight to prove that their cyclical drainage programme is robust, managed and monitored. The clarity of what has been achieved, against what was planned was the key challenge. The number of assets visited was just not providing the required detail.

Our Approach

Clear progress tracking for cyclical maintenance

KaarbonTech created a module in Gully SMART, for operatives to accurately record their progress against programme.

KaarbonTech built Programme SMART, as a module within the Gully SMART software to provide a clear, concise view of progress against the plan, for cyclical drainage maintenance. Assets that are visited by the gully crew, as part of the monthly programme are selected according to their status i.e.

  • Cleansed

  • Attempted but not cleansed

  • Requires further work with an order raised for repair.

Those gullies adequately attempted but not yet cleaned were marked automatically, to give further clarity. This could be that an adequate number of attempts has been made, or that obstructions prevented the cleaning, which was outside of the crew’s control.

Additionally, gullies cleansed during any previous emergency work were recorded, along with those that were cleansed early or late. A clear picture is then built, on the actual work being carried out, which is fed into Programme SMART. Distinct colours were used to keep a recognisable consistency across all KaarbonTech systems, to show any variables, and displayed month by month.

Initially, the programme is displayed in yellow and will transition to either:

  • Green as they are cleansed.

  • Grey if visited on one or more occasions but not cleansed.

  • Peach showing adequately attempted visits but will not be cleansed for excusable reasons.

  • Dark green highlights those cleansed outside of the programme, early or late but within the annual cycle, or identifies where cleansing crews were not following the agreed programme.

Progress against the forecast programme can be clearly viewed in various formats, displaying at a glance the programme against planned maintenance, progress month by month, or cumulative progress.

The Result

Improved programme monitoring saves money

The status of the programme could be reported monthly, in a visual format for accurate performance monitoring.

Accurate performance monitoring is crucial, and Programme SMART allows the status of the programme to be reported upon each month concisely. By reporting against actual gullies cleaned, you can interact with the results and understand exactly why one gully falls in each criteria, and what the acceptable reasons are for those not cleaned.

The visibility and monitoring of the work delivered against the actual programme improves proactive gully cleansing and saves money.


Clear and visual performance management is crucial for councils to demonstrate effective use of reducing highway budgets.

Mark Entwistle, Managing Director, KaarbonTech,

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